The Fly (1986) & (1958)

Is Jeff Goldblum any good in this movie? In what ways are these movies similar? And do these movies undermine their core problem? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Mike Young unhack The Fly (1986) & (1958) in Continue reading The Fly (1986) & (1958)
Westworld (1973)

How does this movie break new ground in filmmaking? Are sex robots a real thing? And why is Yul Brynner so awesome? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Mike Young unhack Westworld (1973) in this podcast episode. When Continue reading Westworld (1973)
M3GAN (2022)

Could Megan realistically do the things she does in this movie? How many other horror films does this movie reference? And is this movie even any good? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Matt Janulewicz unhack M3GAN (2022) Continue reading M3GAN (2022)
Antitrust (2001)

Can AI paintings personalize their display? What’s a dolly zoom shot? And is this movie any good? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Matt Janulewicz unhack Antitrust (2001) in this podcast episode. When a software engineer gets a Continue reading Antitrust (2001)
The Invisible Man (1933)

How do they do invisibility effects in 1933? Why should we feel sorry for the barman? And do we have invisibility technology today? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Mike Young unhack The Invisible Man (1933) in this Continue reading The Invisible Man (1933)
Columbo, “Double Exposure” (1973)

Does Subliminal Messaging really work? What happened when Peter Falk directed a Columbo episode? And who should be on the Mt. Rushmore of television characters? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco, Mike Young, and Jay Holavarri unhack Columbo, “Double Continue reading Columbo, “Double Exposure” (1973)
Christine (1983) / Maximum Overdrive (1986)

How great are Christine‘s characters? What genre of film is Maximum Overdrive? And what music video did Siskel and Ebert review in 1983? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Mike Young unhack Christine (1983) and Maximum Overdrive (1986) Continue reading Christine (1983) / Maximum Overdrive (1986)
Short Circuit (1986)

Is the relationship between Stephanie and Number Five cute, or weird? What is Number five’s major design flaw? And are there any likable characters in this movie? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Matt Janulewicz unhack Short Circuit Continue reading Short Circuit (1986)
Extreme Measures (1996)

Does this movie get the medical scenes right? Is sacrifice for the greater good a sound medical policy? And how are the actors’ performances? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Christina Croco unhack Extreme Measures (1996) in this Continue reading Extreme Measures (1996)
Paranormal Activity (2007)

How do Ouija Boards work? What makes this movie so scary? And which movie had the highest ROI of all time? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Jay Holavarri unhack Paranormal Activity (2007) in this podcast episode. A Continue reading Paranormal Activity (2007)
From Beyond (1986)

How does one awaken their “third eye”? Did we like the performances and special effects? And what’s new in parallel universes? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Dan Brooks unhack From Beyond (1986) in this podcast episode. A Continue reading From Beyond (1986)
Chopping Mall (1986)

What was it like to grow up at a shopping mall in the 80s? What are the real-life security bots like? And does this movie follow the rules of the slasher genre? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Continue reading Chopping Mall (1986)
The Twilight Zone, “From Agnes – With Love” (1964)

How realistic is the depiction of this computer in 1964? How funny is the comedy in this Twilight Zone episode? And what’s the deal with Baskin-Robbins? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco, Mike Young, and Matt Janulewicz unhack The Continue reading The Twilight Zone, “From Agnes – With Love” (1964)
Crimson Tide (1995)

Is smoking allowed on submarines? How often do captains threaten men with guns and punch people? And how does a Sailor have any privacy on a sub? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco, Tim Fogarty, and Christina Croco unhack Continue reading Crimson Tide (1995)
Blackhat (2015)

Why is the main character so unlikable? Why was the badguy’s plan so disappointing? And what was the deal with Stuxnet? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Matt Janulewicz unhack Blackhat (2015) in this podcast episode. When a Continue reading Blackhat (2015)
Untraceable (2008)

Would these death contraptions actually work? In what ways does the movie undermine itself? And why is searching your car before getting inside important for FBI agents? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Michael Scott unhack Untraceable (2008) Continue reading Untraceable (2008)
Battle Beyond the Stars (1980)

Can this movie hold a candle to the movies that inspired it? What was the deal with dial-a-joke? And did this movie invent Tinder? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Mike Young unhack Battle Beyond the Stars (1980) Continue reading Battle Beyond the Stars (1980)
Blade Runner (1982)

Is Deckard a replicant? Can you really zoom in and enhance a photograph? And is there something special about the chess game Sebastian and Tyrell play? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Jay Holavarri unhack Blade Runner (1982) Continue reading Blade Runner (1982)
Live Free or Die Hard (2007)

Do we like this version of John McClane? Are the villains good at designing bomb triggers? And are the action scenes worthy of the Die Hard franchise? Listen now to find out! Scott Croco and Matt Janulewicz unhack Live Free Continue reading Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
Private Benjamin (1980)

What are our favorite lines from this film? Why were the critics wrong about this movie? And what could possibly be the technology we discuss in this episode? Listen now to find out! Scott and Christina Croco unhack Private Benjamin Continue reading Private Benjamin (1980)